No big celebration for our anniversary day. Just having simple dinner together with our prince Iqbal. As usual I am the chef for the night.

Our dinner's menu were nasi goreng kampung and sotong goreng tepung. Enough for our hungry tummy.

Ni la sotong goreng tepung tu. Sedap and rangup. Batter guna self raising flour bancuh ngan sedikit tepung goreng ayam ADABI, secubit garam and air. Iqbal pun suka. Kena pegi Bury Fish Market lagi la nak beli sotong buat sotong goreng tepung nih.

Suka sangat gambar muda2 ni. Before marriage tapi dah tunang masa ni. Went for Majlis berbuka puasa. Ala nak kurus cam tuh balik boleh ker. Lepas give birth to Iqbal mmg I putting on weight and overweight OK. Mintak2 lepas bersalin twin I get back to my best figure. InsyaAllah. (Org lain bole. saya mesti bole jugak. Be discipline Mas!!)
The best thing is on our anniversary day every year we were changed pressie each other. This year I got the cute iPod Shuffle from my hubby. Hopefully the tradition will continue sampai bila-bila yer.

Ini la iPod Shuffle tu. From Apple. So small and so cute okey. I really like it. Purple colour. My favorite color tuh (white,pink & red as well). Ngam with my cute sheep case which I bought from servenior shop at Buxton, Peak District. Yang penting purple jugak. Sam said this iPod purposely to replace my MP3 yang tertinggal kat Malaysia. Di samping ble dengar lagu2 best, this iPod also for the twin untuk dengar mengaji Al-Quran kat dalam tuh. Alhamdulillah.

So small. kecik dari tapak tangan ku yang tembon itu. Hehehe

And for my dearie hubby I bought Philip shaver for you. Ikhlas for you from my pocket money OK. Mahal tuh almost 400 something if convert to RM just for shaver and trimmer worth it la kan so you will look smart all the time. Ada discount tu yang lagi best. Ahaks.
BTW, just to inform I won't be around for 3 days. Jalan-jalan cari makan mak buyong nih. We going to Wales for 4 days 3 nights. Sam's Easter Break. Will update the photos soon. Tungguuuu
bestnya u 2 org mmg romantik..kekalkan smpai bila2 ye...balik jalan2 nanti jgn lupa upload gmbar...maklumlah kepingin nak gi oversea, tengok gmbar pon jadilee. happy holiday!
InsyaAllah itulah yang diharapkan. Moga2 berkekalan. Mana la tau satu hari nanti Lily ada rezeki belajar oversea, mommy pun ble datang sini kan.
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