Sunday, 2 March 2008

IqBaL's Birthday cake

We went to ASDA last Friday (after papa's school) for our grocery shopping. Then, teringat Iqbal' s birthday cake eventho Iqbal's birthday was last week, but mama rasa macam tak best jer tak der cake for Iqbal. So, we bought Cadbury chocolate cake (suitable for vegetarian) for Iqbal. Siap ngan no. 2 (Age 2) candle lagi but then we forgot to buy lighter. Kat rumah cook with electrical stove and papa was not smoker. So tak der la session tiup lilin. tak per la yer janji ada cake kan.

Iqbal tengah nyot nyot cucu. Sibuk suruh mama ambik gambar Iqbal. Ini la gambar anak bujang mama tuh.

Ini la simple Birthday party Iqbal attended by mama & papa. Hehe. Bought Mexican pizza from TEHRAN. Ini la birthday cake Iqbal. Button chocolate cake from Cadbury. Candle no. 2 lagi.

Tak der session tiup lilin yer. kita potong kek terus. papa tolong Iqbal yer. Iqbal dah geram ngan chocolate button tu la papa.

Beberapa chocolate button dah hilang. Iqbal dah ambik. Cake tuh dia ramas2 jer. Apa la Iqbal ni. Tengok la Iqbal macam gelojoh nak ambik chocolate button tu kan. Ahaks.

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